I can't think I'm giving this place 4 stars.

Long ago, I worked here.. and I have to say, coming back three years later as a customer, it's so a lot more fabulous! I walked in and there was a completely various feel- I was asked if I needed help by people on the floor (!!!), there was somebody actually waiting to check me out (!!!), and the copy center (now known as ImPress or something) is redone and was full of about twice the number of individuals working as when I was there. I got the feeling that the copy center is super busy and extremely great at what it does now- it just had an aura of competence about it. (Not that we weren't competent, but we were understaffed.)

The parking has usually been awesome, but generally, the store is way cleaner, much more organized, and much better staffed than 3 years ago. So way to go guys! Now that I live a couple of blocks away, you'll be my 1 stop shop for my bar exam study needs... I've already bought about 20 highlighters, a notebook, and endless pens... I adore the writing instrument aisle the very best. Officemax forever- Office Depot scares me.

And it's not like they were probably the most incredible employers... but all in all, as a customer, I was pleased. Remember this location is trying to give you cheap office supplies. It is not attempting to be fine dining.